Google App.Engine

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Google.AppEngine is Google Cloud Platform.

What is Google App Engine?

Google App Engine is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) offering that lets you build and run applications on Google’s infrastructure. App Engine applications are easy to build, easy to maintain, and easy to scale as your traffic and data storage needs change. With App Engine, there are no need to maintain servers. Google takes care of servers maintenance. 

Supports apps written in a variety of programming languages.

  • Java: Using App Engine’s Java runtime environment, you can build your application using standard Java technologies.
  • Python: App Engine features a fast Python interpreter and standard Python libraries.
  • PHP: App Engine uses Google's Cloud Platform services under the hood when you call standard PHP functions.
  • Go: App Engine features a Go runtime environment that runs natively compiled Go code.

Google App Engine makes it easy to build and deploy an application that runs reliably even under heavy load and with large amounts of data. 

It includes the following features:

  • Persistent storage with queries, sorting, and transactions.
  • Automatic scaling and load balancing.
  • Asynchronous task queues for performing work outside the scope of a request.
  • Scheduled tasks for triggering events at specified times or regular intervals.
  • Integration with other Google cloud services and APIs.
All Features

App Identity
A framework that provides access to the application's identity, and the ability to assert this identity using OAuth.
Allows your application to serve large data objects, such as video or image files, that are too large for storage in the Datastore service.
Detects outages and scheduled maintenance for specific services, so that an application may bypass them or notify users.
Creates a persistent connection between your application and JavaScript clients, so you can send messages in real time without polling.
A schemaless object datastore, with scalable storage, a rich data modeling API, and an SQL-like query language.
Datastore Backup/Restore
Allows you to export or import data to or from your application's Datastore using the Admin Console.
Dedicated Memcache
Provides a fixed cache capacity assigned exclusively to your application.
Go Runtime
Build your application in the Go programming language.
Google Cloud Endpoints
Generates APIs for Android, iOS, and web clients, making it easier to create a web backend for your app.
Google Cloud SQL
A fully-managed web service that allows you to create, configure, and use relational databases that live in Google's cloud.
Google Cloud Storage Client Library
Read and write to Google Cloud Storage, with internal error handling and retry logic.
HRD Migration Tool
Migrates application data stored in the Blobstore or the deprecated Master/Slave Datastore into the GA High Replication Datastore.
Manipulate, combine, and enhance images. Converts between image formats, access image metadata such as height and frequency of colors.
Java Runtime
Build your application in the Java programming language.
Programmatic access to application and request logs from within your application.
Send email messages on behalf of administrators and users with Google Accounts, and receive mail at various addresses.
An optimized adaptation of the MapReduce computing model for efficient distributed computing over large data sets.
A distributed, in-memory data cache that can be used to greatly improve application performance.
Factor applications into logical components that can share stateful services and communicate in a secure fashion.
Makes it easy to compartmentalize your data to serve many client organizations from a single instance of your application.
Uses the OAuth protocol to provide a way for your app to authenticate a user who is requesting access without asking for credentials (username and password)
PHP Runtime
Build your application in the PHP programming language.
Python Runtime
Build your application in the Python programming language.
Access App Engine services from any application. For example, access a production datastore from an app running on your local machine.
Scheduled Tasks
Configure tasks that run at defined times or regular intervals.
Perform Google-like searches over structured data such as: plain text, HTML, atom, numbers, dates, and geographic locations.
Use SendGrid's library to send emails from your app and you can see statistics on opens, clicks, unsubscribes, spam reports and more.
Supports outbound sockets using the language-specific, built-in libraries.
SSL for Custom Domains
Serve applications via HTTPS and HTTP from a custom domain rather than an address.
Task Queue
Allows applications to perform work outside of a user request, using small, discrete tasks, that are executed later.
Task Queue REST API
Enables the use of an App Engine task queue over REST.
Task Queue Tagging
Leases up to a specified number of tasks with the same tag from the queue for a specified period of time.
Traffic Splitting
Routes incoming requests to different versions of your app, allowing you to do A/B testing and roll out new features incrementally.
Enables your application to make and receive phone calls, send and receive text messages, and make VoIP calls from any phone, tablet, or browser.
URL Fetch
Uses Google's networking infrastructure to efficiently issue HTTP and HTTPS requests to URLs on the web.
Allows applications to sign in users with Google Accounts or OpenID, and address these users with unique identifiers.
Allows an application to send and receive chat messages to and from any XMPP-compatible chat messaging service.


The App Engine development environment
Software Development Kits (SDKs) for App Engine are available in all supported languages. Each SDK includes:

  • All of the APIs and libraries available to App Engine.
  • A simulated, secure sandbox environment, that emulates all of the App Engine services on your local computer.
  • Deployment tools that allow you to upload your application to the cloud and manage different versions of your application.

The SDK manages your application locally, while the Google Developers Console manages your application in production. The Developers Console uses a web-based interface to create new applications, configure domain names, change which version of your application is live, examine access and error logs, and much more.

Quotas and limits

App Engine gives you 1 GB of data storage and traffic for free, which can be increased by enabling paid applications. However, some features impose limits unrelated to quotas to protect the stability of the system.

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